I have written four books! 

I was still teaching at college in adult education and travelling all over the UK, giving lectures and delivering workshops. Of course a lot of my teaching was based around the use of heat tools so I knew what I was writing about, I just didn’t realise there was a wider audience that would be interested.

Hot Textiles took me 2 years to write the book – my publisher wanted a book on how to use heat tools safely. In 2005 when I started writing products like Lutradur were only just starting to hit the textile market.

Experimental Textiles printed in hard back 2009.

Is my second book. It is the story and an illustrated version my popular 4 year course Experimental Textiles, that I taught for 12 years in adult education in Hove and Worthing on the south coast of the UK.

Layered Textiles came next.  Printed in hard back 2011. A book to encourage using layers to create fabulous stitched work.

Hot Textiles. First printed in hardback 2007 and reprinted in soft back 2018.

When I was first asked to write Hot Textiles I was very surprised.

 It had never occurred to me that I would ever write one book, let alone 4 . . .

Reclaimed Textiles is my fourth book and was printed in hard back in 2014. This book brought you up to date with my recycling teaching and projects.



Kim Thittichai


Create something different...