The NEW live

Zoom Workshops

I am going to offer 3 workshops over 3 months to start with. These will be my favourite basic workshops. They will be new to a few of you, some of you will have done them before. You might like to revisit them.
The workshops are €65 or £57.50 (at the current exchange rate). This includes the one day workshop and the 2 hour Show and Tell.

I am developing an experimental 3D workshop for May. I know that is what several of you are wanting to try. I am planning to teach one workshop a month (including Show and Tells) up to November this year.
If any of the workshops are overbooked, I will start a waiting list and will add extra workshops as necessary. The full list of workshops will be published by the end of March so you can hold the dates.

Once you have enrolled you will receive a materials list in plenty of time to gather all your materials for the workshop. A couple days before the workshop you will receive the Zoom link to the workshop. All you need to do is click onto it. All workshops will be suitable any experience level.

To enrol on a workshop,
Send me an email with workshops in the subject.
Let me know which workshop(s) you are interested in. 1, 2 or 3.  Along with a phone number. I will send you a PayPal invoice. Once this is paid - you will be on the workshop.


Workshop 1 - A New Starting Point   €65
Saturday 27th February 10.00 am – 4pm, 1 hour lunch
Workshop 1 - Catch Up and Show and Tell
Saturday 13th March 10.30 – 12.30

Working with newspaper, old maps, wrapping paper - whatever you have to hand. We will use painted and unpainted Bondaweb and transfer foils and gilding flake to create some fabulous surfaces to stitch onto - or not. You will learn my Background and Pretties technique. The samples can be printed, stitched, ironed onto interfacings to make boxes - there are many possibilities.
This blog post will give you an idea of what we will get up to, we won't be getting into 3D, but you will get the idea.

Painted Bondweb torn and layered on torn and layered newspaper


Workshop 2 – Transforming Transfer  €65
Saturday 27th March 10.00 am – 4pm, 1 hour lunch

Workshop 2 - Catch Up and Show and Tell
Saturday 10th April 10.30 – 12.30

I love working with transfer paints and synthetic fabrics. You can create such a amazing layered prints as the paints are translucent. We will work with a variety of synthetics, and natural fabrics. A soldering iron will be an important part of your kit for this workshop. Up to 20 watts is fine. With a fine tip. You will also need a terracotta flower pot to stand the soldering iron in. Of course, Bondaweb will also be involved!!
This blog post will give you an idea of what is involved

Layered transfer prints and applique cut with a soldering iron.


Workshop 3 – Create Original Designs and Making Printing Blocks  €65
Saturday 24th April 10.00 am – 4pm, 1 hour lunch
Workshop 3 - Catch Up and show and tell
Saturday 8th May 10.30 – 12.30

The most important part of teaching for me, is to encourage students to create original work. This workshop is brilliant for those of you who want to create your own designs and then create your own printing blocks. We will work with an inspiration of your choice. If you have done the 'Journey' exercise with me, you could use that. The materials list will give you some ideas if not. You should finish this class with 2 pairs of printing blocks ready to print and maybe stitch for your show and tell.
To give you an idea of what we will be doing - have a look at this post on my blog -



If any of you living in other time zones could suggest a good time for me to teach for you - I will do my best to offer workshops for you too. You might want to get a group together? I don't want to leave you out.

So - any questions? Have I missed something out?
Do you have an idea for a workshop you would like me teach?
Email me . . .



Kim Thittichai


Create something different...