Engaging videos with easy to understand instructions. Very pleased with the results of my experiments .The best is waiting for encouraging comments from everyone and it is such a bonus to have Kim's expertise.It’s as though she is leaning over your shoulder with gentle hints and 'go on have a go - play'.

I shall be back for more 

Carry Garney
Manipulating with Heat
A New Starting Point

The online workshop gives me the chance to watch details on the video whenever I wish for 6 months, with a chance to practice, and receive comments and encouragement from other members and Kim - always ready to guide me. This has been an advantage over "live" workshops.

Betty Dawes
Manipulating with Heat
A New Starting Point

I began Experimental Textiles with no idea what to expect. It soon became clear that every weekend was going to be different, interesting. . and new.

I worked with media I had not experienced before, loved the homework and learned lots form the feedback. The course was a catalyst for a life change and I will never look. Didn’t expect that!


Catherine Howard - currently doing the second year of the Design and Applied Arts M.A. at Wolverhapmton University.

I was looking for something which would develop my creativity, skills and knowledge through a guided programme. Experimental Textiles was the answer – with expert teaching practical work, discussions and homework. I found the course to be a wonderful catalyst for my art-making.

Kim is a very encouraging tutor and we had a lot of fun together experimenting and seeing what was possible.

I look back with very fond memories and would recommend the course to anyone wishing to develop textiles art through an experimental approach to learning.

Rachael Singleton




Kim Thittichai


Create something different...